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AstroBelvedere Cultural Association (Belvedere Marittimo Astronomical Observatory)


"Fascinated and intrigued by the mysterious wonders of the Cosmos, I bought my first telescope in 2006, at the age of 16, delighting in observations and evenings with friends. Over the years, the passion and curiosity to improve the quality of the images has brought to update the instrumentation reaching a professional level, from an observatory. A passion that I have always shared with friends, family and thanks to which we were able in January 2022 to found the ASTROBELVEDERE Cultural Association, transforming our desire to share into something concrete and popularize astronomy. " Giorgio Dini, founder and president.



Since 2017, by participating in free and public events organized by third parties, we have made this fascinating branch of science accessible to all. Through stories, discussions and activities, everyone is allowed to experience a live celestial observation.

Thanks to the association we can now promote our commitment and our desire to share astronomy freely and with the sole purpose of scientific dissemination. For any information on the Association's activities, fill out the form in the "Contact" section. If you want to know more about the instrumentation used, click here .


AstroBelvedere è un'associazione culturale NO PROFIT, che nasce per promuovere il nostro impegno e la nostra voglia di condividere l'astronomia liberamente.

Abbiamo a disposizione una strumentazione stupefacente che ti permetterà di vivere un'esperienza unica!

Tra i nostri obiettivi c'è senz'altro quello di costruire, in futuro, un osservatorio astronomico vero e proprio, in grado di accogliere famiglie, studenti e appassionati.


Il tuo contributo è prezioso e ci consentirà di raggiungere tutti i nostri obiettivi.

Effettua una donazione dal pulsante sottostante.

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About Assembly of Observatory

Video Installazione Osservatorio

Video Installazione Osservatorio

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