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Become a member

Becoming a member means giving more body to the social value of AstroBelvedere. With your membership you will concretely support our activities and initiatives, helping us to pursue the objectives of our association; at the same time you can share their goals, dedicating a part of your time to achieve them. 

To apply for membership, simply fill out the form opposite.

We remind you that admission is subject to the payment of the membership fee and to a favorable resolution by the Governing Council, pursuant to articles 4 - 5 of our Statute, listed below:

Art. 4 - Members - Criteria for admission and exclusion

All those who accept the articles of the Statute and the internal regulations, who share the aims of the association and undertake to dedicate a part of their time to achieve them, are admitted to join the association. The number of associates is unlimited but, in any case, cannot be less than the minimum established by law.

The competent body to deliberate on the applications for admission of aspiring members is the Board of Directors.

Admission to the Association is approved by the Board of Directors upon written request of the applicant in which he must specify his complete personal details (name, surname, residence, date and place of birth, tax code as well as telephone numbers and e-mail address) and the declaration of knowing and fully accepting this Statute, any regulations and to abide by the resolutions legally adopted by the association bodies. On the basis of the provisions of EU Regulation 679/2016, all personal data collected will be subject to confidentiality and used only for the purposes of the Association with the prior written consent of the member. The admission resolution must be communicated to the interested party and noted, by the Administrative Body, in the register of associates. The Administrative Body must, within 60 days, motivate the decision rejecting the application for admission and communicate it to the interested parties. If the application for admission is not accepted by the Administrative Body, the person who proposed it may, within 60 days of the communication of the rejection resolution, request that the Shareholders' Meeting decide on the application, which decides on the requests not accepted, if not specially summoned, on the occasion of its subsequent calling.

Upon admission, the member undertakes to pay the annual registration fee to the extent established by the Assembly, in compliance with the Statute and the regulations issued.

The figure of the temporary partner is not admitted. The membership fee is non-transferable.

The number of effective members is unlimited.

The amount of the annual fee is established by the assembly at the time of approval of the financial statements.

The member can withdraw from the association by means of a written communication to be sent to the President of the Board of Directors, who must adopt a specific resolution to be adequately communicated to the member. The withdrawal takes effect from the closing date of the financial year in which it was exercised.

The member can be excluded from the association in case of non-fulfillment of the duties provided for by the Statute or for other serious reasons that have caused moral and / or material damage to the association itself.

The exclusion of the member is deliberated by the Board of Directors. It must be communicated by letter to the same, together with the reasons that gave rise to the exclusion and ratified by the shareholders' meeting in the first useful meeting.

Members who have ceased to belong to the association cannot request the return of the contributions paid, nor do they have any right to the association's assets.

Art. 5 - Rights and Duties of the Members

The members adhering to the association have the right to elect the corporate bodies and to be elected in them. All members have the information and control rights established by the laws and by this Statute: the voluntary member cannot be remunerated in any way, the expenses incurred by the volunteers can be reimbursed within the limits of the provisions of art. 17 of the Legislative Decree 3 July 2017 n. 117. All adult members have the right to vote.

The members will carry out their activities in the association in a personal, voluntary and free non-profit way, according to the declared personal needs and availability.

The behavior of the member towards the other members and outside the association must be animated by a spirit of solidarity and implemented with correctness, good faith, honesty, probity and moral rigor, in compliance with this Statute and the programmatic guidelines issued. Members are obliged to pay the membership fee according to the amount, the payment methods and the terms established annually by the Assembly.

Application form for membership

AstroBelvedere Cultural Association


via Fiorello Dini 17, Belvedere Marittimo


Information on data processing


In accordance with the provisions of article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, the AstroBelvedere Cultural Association proceeds with the processing of your personal data to complete your membership request. Your data will be processed on paper and computerized. Failure to provide the data makes it impossible for the association to proceed with the membership request. To this end, consent to the processing of your data is not necessary pursuant to the provisions of article 24, paragraph 1, letter b of the aforementioned decree. The owner of the data is the cultural association AstroBelvedere based in Belvedere Marittimo, in via Fiorello Dini 17. For the exercise of the rights of the interested party pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 can send a written communication to the address of the owner. Having taken note of the information, the undersigned


To the processing of your data to be updated on the cultural initiatives of the AstroBelvedere cultural association. The data you provide will be kept at the headquarters of the association and only for the period of time necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

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Your request has been sent! If the board of directors approves your request, you will receive the necessary documentation to complete your membership.

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